Persian cooking classes, finally
After three years, I am finally teaching Iranian cooking classes in Rome, in a moment when it has never been more important to talk about Iran.

Virtual Midsummer Potluck for Peace: a Persian Cucumber & mint Summer Drink
The virtual midsummer potluck for peace, is a collaborative post where bloggers have published their picnic recipes. Mine is a Persian cucumber & Sekanjebin drink.

Iranian Food Writers on Persian New Year and Norouz
Collection of articles by Iranian food writers on the Persian New year and Norouz. Samin Nostrat, Luisa Shafia, Yasmin Khan, Saghar Setareh, Andy Baraghani

Turkish Delight as Christmas Edible Gifts from the East
Persian Delight, or an easy Turkish delight is a perfect Christmas treat or edible gift with flavors and fragrances from the middle East, as well as Yalda.

IMITATING ‘Kuku Sabzi’ to celebrate Spring, Norouz and Easter
Kuku Sabzi, the Persian Frittata with fresh herbs is the perfect dish for the menus of both Easter and Norouz with fresh greens of Spring.

A Simple Persian Pumpkin Dessert, Fading Borders & The Travel to Iran
Simple Persian pumpkin dessert plus some reflections on borders and home and many photos from Iran.

Persian Cold Soup with Cucumber & Herbs from Puglia, in Southern Italy
The time I made "Ab-Doogh-Khiar", the Persian cold soup with the fresh herbs of Apulia, in southern Italy. Vegetarian and fresh with yogurt, raisins, walnuts.

Narcissus, Persian Spinach and Eggs (Nargessi)
Nargessi — the Persian word for Narcissus— is a simple and rustic dish of spinach and eggs, with a lot of turmeric-sautéed onions and garlic. Perfect for brunch, quick lunch and dinner.