A Coffee Bundt Cake from the North for a Fertile Season
A Coffee bundt cake a girl from the north brought to Italy decades ago, that is dark, moist and sweet just to the right point, with a secret ingredient.

One year of Lab Noon, the Virtual Birthday Party, Friuty Birthday Cake for Summer & a GIVE-AWAY!
It's Lab Noon's virtual birthday party and many food bloggers have joined me with their birthday cake recipes and there's a give away too!

You’re All Invited to Lab Noon’s (Virtual) Birthday Party!
ou're all invited to Lab Noon's (virtual) Birthday Party! Come over and bring a cake and share the love with #LabNoonsBirthdayParty.

Spring Celebrations, a Fragrant Ricotta Cake
A ricotta cake smelling like the Springs of Shiraz & the Easter of Naples to celebrate my 30th birthday, my graduation